RWRC is pleased to present our new initiative, the Women Speaker Series. Video recordings of past events will be shared here as they take place.
Dr. Leora Kuttner – Pain and Anxiety Management in the Time of COVID
Recorded on December 10, 2020

Click to watch the recording on Zoom
Access Passcode: RWRC&1210
Speaker Biography: Dr. Leora Kuttner is a Clinical Psychologist, known for her warmth and compassion. She is internationally recognized for her work in pediatric pain and anxiety management, involving the medicinal care of infants, children, and adolescents. Learn more about Dr. Kuttner through the films The Magic Glove – Hypnotic pain management for children (10 min) and Dancing with Pain – A Film about Youth with Chronic Pain (20 mins).
Link mentioned in Dr. Kuttner’s talk: Australian Cartoon on Chronic Pain