The Richmond Women’s Resource Centre is now using Zoom for meetings and workshops. Use of Zoom web conferencing has risen greatly. Zoom’s goal is to make cloud-based video conferencing as easy as possible and available to everyone. They have taken steps to secure their meetings using passwords and are increasing safety and ease of use.

 If you are new to Zoom, please take the Zoom Self-Help Training and view the related videos. Allow 1 hour.

 Zoom enables meeting organizers and participants to log into online Zoom sessions from their computers or mobile devices from anywhere with Internet access. 


  • Zoom enables virtual meetings with up to 100 participants
  • Participants can join sessions without a Zoom account
  • Guest speakers and participants can also phone into a Zoom online session
  • Support training is provided by the vendor
  • One-on-ones 

Things to keep in mind

  • Zoom works best for meetings but can be used for teaching
  • Higher quality video zooms and screen sharing will require more bandwidth, which may result in lagging or connection issues for those with poorer network conditions
  • Participants don’t necessarily need to download software to join a meeting, but installing a Zoom app can improve the user experience
  • Long-distance charges may apply to attendees who phone into Zoom sessions
  • Read the Zoom FAQ basics for more information 

How to access Zoom

What technical support is available for Zoom?